Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Why I Support S. 744....

Okay.  Let's all agree that it is not perfect.  No bill is.  No amendment ever reaches the beliefs of each citizen in this nation of many.  I understand the concerns of the many. I understand why we would want to make our borders secure.  I understand why we need to be able to compete in a global economy.

'We' love our nation. 'We' enjoy certain freedoms because of our nation's desire to help all men remain or become equal.  Are our freedoms absolute? No, but they are ours.  

Funny thing about the word 'we,' is that it hasn't always applied to everyone.  At one point in our personal family history, "we" did not apply.  Our families saw how a simple word like 'we' could change their it changed ours.  

There are many living in the United States, paying taxes, contributing works of art, sharing cultural beliefs, adding more flavor to the 'melting pot' in which we claim such pride.  These families came here for some of the same reasons our families came.  They came for the 'we.'  Right now, a lot of those families are separated or sent home because of long lines and red-tape.  Not because they did anything wrong or brought shame or harm to our nation...simply because the line was too long.

There must be a better way to keep the best and the brightest.  There must be a clear explanation of how to remain and live in the U.S. without such contradicting information and laws. One would think.....but at this time there is not.

S. 744 is not perfect, but it does answer the question of how to create a commonsense process for all aspiring citizens. So ask your Senators to vote YES to S.744. Tell them that the majority of Americans want this.....because they do. We elected our government officials to speak for the will of the people.......SO SPEAK!

I was afraid the first time I called the Capitol.  I was pacing in an office actually.  To my surprise, I was able to share my opinion with someone who actually wrote down that I called.  Does my one call make a difference? I believe that it does.  I believe that I am voicing my opinion, but I need help from you.  It takes maybe 5 minutes to call. Pace in an office--if it makes you feel better.  BUT SPEAK! 

Here's how to call:

Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected with your Senators. When connected, please use the below talking points:

  • My name is ______________________ and I live in ______________________.
  • Like the majority of American’s, I support immigration reform and I’m calling to ask Senator _____________________ to vote “Yes” on S. 744.
  • Thank you.
That's all. Help to see history happen right now.....and not just read about in a book!

ADVOCACY TIP FOR THE DAY: Follow your Members on Twitter. Tweet them with opinions.  Their offices track these as well when deciding how to vote. Easy, but effective!