Julie started the conversation by sharing with us highlights from President Obama's speech on Comprehensive Immigration Reform given in Nevada. To see the speech, click here. It's definitely worth 25 of your minutes. She outlined the 4 key components of the President's plan.
- Continuing to Strengthen Border Security
- Cracking Down on Employers that Hire Undocumented Workers
- Creating a Path to Earned Citizenship
- Streamlining Our Legal Immigration System
She reminded us that for the first time in a long time, there was sense of Bi-Partisan support for the issue. This support can only be continued when folks like us share the everyday impact of the broken immigration system. The proposed new system would bring the U.S. into the 21st century and create ladders of opportunity for 11 million living here without status.
After several questions regarding English Language programs, DACA, Lawful Presence, and the Dream Act were answered, a gentleman in the audience came to the front and asked to share his story. A GAIE member working in International Admissions shared his struggle to file for Permanent Residency. He stated that he and his family had followed all the rules, contributes to the Georgia economy, and assists undocumented students find a way to further their education even if it isn't at his institution. He believes in the U.S., but continues to be frustrated by the red tape he faces daily. Because of the inability to file for Permanent Residency, the gentleman and his family were leaving the U.S. yesterday and headed to Spain. Hopefully one day, he will be able to return. Julie responded with words so true, "You are just the kind of person we are trying to help with the proposed changes."
It's stories just like his that change people's minds and helps them see how personal the issue of Immigration Reform truly is. I encouraged the room after the call was over to take our colleague's story and start with baby steps. His story changed people's minds even in that room--among professionals in the field of International Education.
If you are interested in hosting a White House call or Round Table in your hometown or office, start with contacting the WHITE HOUSE directly, www.whitehouse.gov.
“We define ourselves as a nation of immigrants. That’s who we are — in our bones. The promise we see in those who come here from every corner of the globe, that’s always been one of our greatest strengths.”
-President Barack Obama
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